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Role of Biotin and Keratin for Hair and Skin

Writer's picture: Yorgain Plant ProteinYorgain Plant Protein

Role of Biotin and Keratin for Hair and Skin

Blame it on fairy tales but fuller-looking hair and glowing skin are something everyone desires. The cosmetic and skin-care industry is flooded with products that claim to have ingredients like Biotin and Keratin in them. But have you ever wondered what exactly these ingredients are and how are beneficial for your skin and hair?

In numerous supplements for hair, skin, and nails, you’ll find a B-vitamin complex called biotin and a type of protein called Keratin. These ingredients are associated with those thick-looking hair and skinning skin. This article is meant to educate you about the buzzing ingredients Biotin and Keratin and their effects and side effects on your skin and hair. So, let’s start with Biotin:

What is biotin?

Biotin or vitamin B7 is a water-soluble, vitamin that is found in food products like milk, banana, and eggs. This vitamin is known for treating deficiencies that result in skin rashes and hair thinning. This vitamin helps in converting food into energy. Biotin keeps the eyes, liver, and nervous system healthy and is also a crucial nutrient during pregnancy that helps pregnant moms to have a healthier baby.

How does Biotin benefit your skin, hair, and nails?

Biotin contributes to the healthy functioning of nerves, digestion, metabolic, and cardiovascular functions. Biotin also widely contributes to the skin, hair, and nail healthy which includes:

  • Hair: B vitamin helps in the creation of amino acid that produces a form of keratin. Therefore, biotin-rich food items or skincare products help in maintaining hair’s health and improve its strength. Biotin also promotes hair growth when used in conjunction with zinc, silica, vitamin C and marine protein.

  • Skin: Biotin manufactures fatty acid that helps in nourishing the skin which helps in maintaining a clear complexion. Sometimes, our skin gets dehydrated and our skin PH levels become unbalanced. In that case, biotin assists in the production of new cells and promotes oil glands to operate accurately, resulting in the healthy condition of the skin.

  • Nails: According to clinical studies, biotin encourages nail growth and increases nail plate thickness. For people who deal with nail biters, or experience thin and brittle nails, vitamin B is the best solution.

What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Biotin?

Biotin deficiency is rare and is associated with alcoholism, smoking, genetic disorder, or inadequate dietary intake. This deficiency can lead to:

  • Thinning of hair

  • Brittle nails

  • Skin rashes

  • Seborrheic dermatitis

  • Alopecia (hair loss)

  • Conjunctivitis

  • Depression

  • Exhaustion

  • Hallucinations

  • Numbness and tingling of the arms and legs

Possible side effects

Excessive usage of biotin or intake of biotin can create issues like skin rashes, digestive upset, problems with insulin release, and kidney problems.

Oral vs topical application of biotin.

Biotin is primarily used for its moisturizing properties. It is added to improve the texture and add shine to creams. Since biotin is a paramount component of the growth and formation of cells, fatty acids, and fats, a deficiency can lead to hair loss and skin rashes. Therefore, studies have demonstrated If looking to treat hair loss, a much better alternative to the topical application would be an oral supplement. If you still prefer the topical application, there are a variety of products such as hair grooming gel, conditioner, shampoo, and moisturizer that can provide the advantages attached to biotin.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that the body cannot store biotin and a person needs to consume it from their diet. Biotin is present in food like liver, avocado, egg yolk, and vegetables. It is also available as a supplement.

RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of Biotin

. They also recommend that women who are breastfeeding must consume 35 mcg daily. For children, it highly depends on age yet it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider to find out what dose is best for a specific condition. Biotin starts showing results when the hair growth supplements contain multiple ingredients like zinc and iron. It takes around 4-6 months for biotin supplements to show evident results.

What is Keratin?

Keratin is a type of protein that is the structural material of the hair, nail, and the outer layer of skin. It is also found in the internal glands or organs and is less prone to tearing or scratching. Keratin is widely used as an ingredient in hair cosmetics as it is the building block of hair and helps in strengthening hair. The health of the hair, skin, and fingernails relies on the amount of keratin present in the body at a time. There are a total of 54 types of keratins produced by a body, out of which, half of them reside within hair follicles all over the body.

Benefits of keratin

  • Keratin is acknowledged to increase the strength of the hair, and enhance elasticity. It protects the hair from harsh chemicals and makes it appear healthier.

  • It also plays a major role in the durability and health of epithelial cells. Keratin provides strength in the hard palate, tongue, and TMJ which helps us in chewing and digesting food

  • Keratin forms a seal that retains moisture, and elasticity and reduces fizziness in the hair.

  • Keratin is often referred to as “liquid skin” due to its ability to improve and balance skin elasticity and prompt new skin cell production.

  • Keratin helps in building the flexible layer in the body that seals the moisture and protects the outer layer of the skin.

Sources of keratin

A major portion of Keratin in the cosmetic industry comes from animal sources. It is composed of 18 amino acids and comes in different types; a-keratins are in human hair and nails, while b-keratins are harder and are found in reptiles and other animals. The production of Keratin can increase by consuming food items like eggs, yogurt, cheese, nuts, and quinoa.

Here is a list of 10 food items that promote keratin production in your body:

  • Eggs

  • Onions

  • Salmon

  • Sweet potato

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Mangoes

  • Garlic

  • Kale

  • Beef liver

  • Carrots

Bioavailability of Keratin

Keratin is highly resistant to the digestive acid of the stomach which means consuming keratin supplements can cause more harm. Though researchers are working on making keratin soluble to make it more digestible and contain highly bioavailable protein-forming building blocks, including sulfur-containing amino acids, to replace the keratin that is lost in the aging process.

What happens if you lack keratin?

Genetic disorders and irrelevant medication are the primary reason behind keratin deficiency in a human. Apart from that, perpetuate intestine infection and dieting can also lead to this type of deficiency. Keratin deficiency can lead to:

  • Brittle or thinning hair

  • Dry and flaky skin

  • Deep ridges on your fingernails.

How to add keratin to your skin and hair care routine?

The effects of keratin vary based on the health and the natural thickness of your hair. The hair cuticles absorb the keratin which results in fuller and glossier appearing hair. Keratin also makes curly hair less frizzy and straighter in appearance. The effects of keratin also depend on the kind of keratin treatment you use.


  • Keratin cosmetic products (serum, shampoo, and conditioners)

Keratin cosmetic products are known to make the hair damage-resistant. It repairs the hair that has been dehydrated because of heat and hair dye. To identify if your cosmetic product has keratin, check for the ingredient “Keratin Hydro Lysates”.

  • Salon Keratin treatment

This keratin treatment involves various steps, starting from the application of a cream that contains formaldehyde is applied. After that, the hair is blow-dried and straightened in the salon. This treatment provides proper keratin nourishment to the hair and claims to last for 12 weeks.

  • Keratin supplements

Keratin supplements are easily available in the health food store in powder or capsule forms. But these supplements can be harmful to the human body as they are resistant to the digestive acids of the stomach. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult professionals before consuming any sort of supplements.

Possible side effects of keratin

Even though there is no confirmation of keratin creating any sort of health issues but excessive usage of Keratin and exposing the hair to Formaldehyde can lead to health issues such as:

  • Itching and stinging eyes

  • Nose and throat irritation

  • An allergic reaction

  • Itchy skin with or without a rash

  • Scalp irritation that may present with burns or blisters

  • Mood changes

  • Hair loss and damage

Oral vs topical application of Keratin

Keratin is the structural protein of our hair, skin, and nail. Our body makes quite a lot on its own. Therefore, keratin supplements are of no good. Taking keratin supplements can do more harm rather than good to your body as keratin is highly resistant to the digestive acids of the stomach. It is advisable to either go for keratin cosmetic products or keratin treatment rather than going for supplements. Keratin treatment starts showing its impact within 48 hours post-treatment. The result would be smooth, shiny, manageable hair which will last you at least three months with a proper hair care regime.

RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of Keratin

According to research, it is advisable to give 500 mg daily or 250 mg twice a day. Excess keratin can also lead to thick, rough, and dry skin.

Keratin and Biotin

Keratin, being a protein, gets into the hair follicle and makes it firmer. As a result, keratin would help in making frizzy hair smoother, and also improve the shine and luster of dull hair. On the other hand, biotin is a type of vitamin that is known for treating deficiencies that result in skin rashes and hair thinning.


Keratin and biotin are equally significant for the health of skin and hair. As an aware customer, you must understand the connotation and difference of both the ingredients before applying them. If in case you still have doubts, you must consult a professional and clarify your doubts regarding both the ingredients before making a purchase.

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